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SLP Trivia Night: Round Two

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1. As related to internationally adopted (IA) children, what does the acronym CLM stand for and what does it mean?

2. “The pattern of language acquisition in internationally adopted children is often referred to as a second first language acquisition” (Scott et al., 2011). Why?

3. Why CAN’T we treat Internationally Adopted children as bilingual speakers?

4. IA children may present with “normal” language abilities but still display significant difficulties in this area of functioning ___________.

5.  Finish the following sentence: “Any child with a known history of speech and language delays in the sending country should _____________________”.

Place your responses under this blog post and number each response for clarity.

The first person to get all answers correct will have their choice of product from my online store.

4 thoughts on “SLP Trivia Night: Round Two

  1. 1. cognitive language mastery – mastery of the parts of language that are needed for formal academic learning (including semantics, reasoning, and literacy)
    2. because the child is no longer exposed to and no longer acquires the birth language, as they acquire their second (but really first) language
    3. because the child is generally not being exposed to both languages in their new homes, as adoptive parents typically do not speak the language of the country from which they adopted their child. And the IA child often loses their birth language shortly after arriving in the new home
    4. cognitive-academic
    5. “should be considered to have true delays or disorders and should receive speech and language services after adoption” (Glennen)

  2. 1. Cognitive Language Mastery
    2. Because they have not fully gained their first language before they begin to lose it and acquire their second language.
    3. Because they are losing their first language rapidly while their second language has only been gained minimally at the time of loss.
    4. Cognitive development/classroom functioning
    5. “be considered to have true delays or disorders and should receive speech and language services after adoption.” (Glennen, 2009, p.52)

  3. 1. Cognitive Language Mastery. It is the ability to use language for the purposes of learning including literacy and reasoning skills.
    2. The children are immersed in their “second language” and are forced to learn it due to the adoption. Therefore, learning is much like learning a first language since children are no longer exposed to their first language in the home environment.
    3. Because many times child a child will quickly loose their first language skills due to their English-exclusive environment.
    4. Cognitive-linguistic.
    5. Be considered to have a true language delay/disorder and receive treatment as such.

  4. 1. Closed Loop Marketing

    2. Because the first language the child is exposed to is the native lang.

    3. Because they aren’t proficient in one specific language.

    4. social functioning

    5.should be considered to have a true delay/disorder

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