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App Review and Giveaway: Speech Therapy for Apraxia – NACD Home Speech Therapist

Recently I got the opportunity to take a look at the “Speech Therapy for Apraxia – NACD Home Speech Therapist” by Blue Whale Apps.

According to the developer the app is applicable to

• SLPs with individuals with apraxia (both children and adults)
• Parents working with children with apraxia
• Traditional articulation practice (drills)

Developed by the National Association for Child Development (NACD) by an SLP, the Apraxia app provides choices of different phonemes to target and gradually increases the levels  of difficulty to improve motor planning for speech. Continue reading App Review and Giveaway: Speech Therapy for Apraxia – NACD Home Speech Therapist

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In case you missed it: Integrating aspects of multiculturalism into group language therapy sessions

Last week I did a guest post for The Practically Speeching Blog on the topic of multiculturalism. In case you missed it,  below I offer some suggestions on how to integrate multiculturalism into your group therapy sessions.

I don’t know about you but I have a number of multicultural students on my caseload who exhibit language deficits in both their birth language as well as English. Even though I am unable to speak their languages (e.g., Spanish, Hindu) I still like to integrate various aspects of multiculturalism into my sessions in order to support their first language as well as educate them about their culture and other cultures around the world as much as possible.   Why? Because among other benefits (e.g., cognitive, linguistic, academic, just to name a few) studies have also found a connection between bilingualism/multiculturalism and higher self-esteem in children (Verkuyten, 2009).  For me the latter definitely plays a huge part, since children with language impairments already recognize that they are different from their peers when it comes to their abilities and accomplishments in the classroom, which is why I try to support them in any way that I can in this area. Believe it or not it’s not as complicated as it sounds, and with a little ingenuity you can make it happen as well.  Below are some suggestions of what you can do in sessions. Continue reading In case you missed it: Integrating aspects of multiculturalism into group language therapy sessions

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App Review and Giveaway: Verbal Reasoning by Virtual Speech Center

Today I am reviewing a great app, which targets verbal reasoning skills in children and adults. Verbal Reasoning by Virtual Speech Center was created to target the following:

Adults with cognitive deficits caused by TBI, stroke, or other brain injuries as well as with Aphasia

Children with autism

Children with language disorders

It is intended for  individuals ages 12 and up and includes such activities as: Continue reading App Review and Giveaway: Verbal Reasoning by Virtual Speech Center

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Articulation Assessment ToolKt

I have been looking for a good articulation assessment instrument for quite some time so when Sunny Articulation Test app came my way I was very excited to put it into action by using it with some of my clients.  I wanted to see how this “test” app compared with traditional articulation tests such as Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation-2 or Photo Articulation Test-3.

So here we go:

When you log in the first thing you do is set up a client profile. The process is very simple all you have to do is add the name and birthday and the app will calculate child child’s exact age in years and months. To protect client privacy you may only do the first name without the last name. Continue reading Articulation Assessment ToolKt

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Social Quest App Review by Smarty Ears

I’ve recently got an opportunity to use the Social Quest App by Smarty Ears with my clients.  After using the app for a while I decided to write a review because I really like what the app has to offer, especially because there aren’t that many apps targeting social pragmatic skills in upper elementary, middle school and high-school aged students.

What I like about this app:

Social Quest uses photographs with real life  situations. Essentially students go on  social problem-solving quests in various locations such as community, home, and school and earn up to 70 “rewards” linked to social competencies.

You start with the main screen offering you several choices: Settings,  Select Students,  Report Card, Help    Continue reading Social Quest App Review by Smarty Ears