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Product Review: Interactive WH question Megabundle by Speech2u

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coverToday I am excited to review a cool WH question 97 page Mega Bundle  by Kelly of Speech2u.

Kelly created this activity to help children with significant language impairments (e.g., ASD, intellectual disability, etc) answer who, what and where questions given fun visuals.

Her intent was to allow the SLPs to control the levels of difficulty by adjusting the # of choices or selecting similar choices to reduce the task complexity.

Bundle content:

48 WHERE cards

where mat
32 WHO cards

36 WHAT cards

126 QUESTION cards

who magic xharacters
Teaching slides/graphic organizers for each question type


Question sorting Mat

wh mats

Game and Activity ideas for each set of cards

9 homework sheets with generalization questions

who questions list
Sample Goal Hierarchies

smaple goals

If using Sorting Mats Kelly recommends printing, laminating and cutting out PEOPLE, OBJECT and LOCATION cards. Then having the students sort the cards based on the type of question they need to answer.  Some of her game recommendations include personalization: such as cutting out Logos from popular stores/restaurants from ads (ex. Walmart, Target) and asking questions like “Where do we go to get ______, or What is your favorite ______? etc. Other game suggestions include adding pictures of familiar buildings or places: favorite parks, museums, relatives houses and asking questions like:  “Where did you go on ____?” Or “Where did ____ last week?”

I love how many activities games and suggestions Kelly offers in this bundle.  In contrast to other ‘wh’ question sets available on the market from popular SLP vendor companies, hers just happens to be very visually appealing in terms of graphics, as well as offers a number of extra features for teaching concrete ‘wh’ questions.  You can find this bundle in Kelly’s TPT store HERE  or you can head over to her BLOG and enter to win a free copy in a Rafflecopter Giveaway!

Kelly is also currently reviewing my Speech Language Assessment of Older Internationally Adopted Children packet on her BLOG . So I will also be giving away a copy of it in a Rafflecopter Giveaway below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 thought on “Product Review: Interactive WH question Megabundle by Speech2u

  1. It’s difficult to target wh- questions with kids with ASD so this seems like a great resource!

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