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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder An Overview of Deficits
This 40 slide material provides an overview for speech-language pathologists regarding how alcohol consumption during pregnancy affects the structure and function of a child’s developing brain. It also describes symptoms of alcohol-related speech/language deficits in children of varying ages from infancy through adolescence, as well as lists challenges with reliable identification and diagnosis of alcohol-related deficits.
- List the terms associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
- Explain FASD-related diagnostic challenges
- Describe how prenatal alcohol abuse can change the structure and function of the developing brain.
- Describe symptoms of alcohol- related speech/language deficits in children of varying ages.
Product Details:
- FASD Overview
- Types of Damage
- List of Current FASD Terms
- Updated FASD Guidelines for Identification
- FASD Related Statistics US
- Misdiagnosis and Missed Diagnoses in Foster and Adopted Children With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
- The Toll of Misdiagnosis
- FAS related diagnostic challenges
- Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in 4 US Communities
- The “Controversy of Visibility”
- Structural Damage
- Oral Cavity
- Hearing Mechanism
- Alcohol Related Cognitive-Linguistic Deficits
- Genetics and FASD
- FASD Related Brain Damage
- Frontal Lobes
- Prefrontal cortex
- Corpus Callosum
- Basal Ganglia
- Hypothalamus
- Amygdala
- Hippocampus
- Cerebellum
- Alcohol Related Damage Summary
- Infants with alcohol related deficits
- Toddlers with alcohol related deficits
- School Aged Children and FASD
- Adolescents with FASD
- Secondary Conditions and FASD
- Conclusion
- References
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